Java OOPs Concepts

  1. Abstraction
  2. Encapsulation
  3. Inheritance
  4. Polymorphism


Abstraction is a process that hides the implementation and displays only the information needed. In other words “hide the internal implementation and shows the functionality".

We can achieve abstraction using abstract classes and interfaces.

Abstraction helps in reducing programming complexity and efforts.

In the below example users can choose payment option and amount, he doesn’t know the how the payment is done internally.

public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// pay option and pay amount choose by user
String payOption = "netbanking";
double payAmount = 1000.00;
            Payment payment =
new CreditCard();
else if(payOption.equals("netbanking")){
            Payment payment =
new NetBanking();


 * Output:
 * pay amount through net-banking : 1000.0

public interface Payment {
void payAmount(double payAmount);

public class CreditCard implements Payment{
public void payAmount(double payAmount) {
out.println("pay amount using credit card : "+ payAmount);

public class NetBanking implements Payment{
public void payAmount(double payAmount) {
out.println("pay amount through net-banking : "+payAmount);


The encapsulation binds the data and code together into a single unit. Hence, it is also known as data hiding.

Encapsulation acts as a protective wrapper that prevents the code and data from being accessed by outsiders.

We can achieve this by Java bean is the fully encapsulated class because all the data members are private here and we can access by the setter and getter methods.

We can make the class read-only or write-only by the getter or setter methods.

Suppose if we don't provide setter methods then the outside person can't set the value.

public class Item {

private String item = "pen";
private int quantity = 10;

public String getItem() {
return item;

public int getQuantity() {
return quantity;

We can control the data by adding restrictions in the setter methods. In the below example outsiders can set the quantity if it is <= 10

public class Item {

private String item = "pen";
private int quantity = 10;

public String getItem() {
return item;
public int getQuantity() {
return quantity;
public void setItem(String item) {
this.item = item;
public void setQuantity(int quantity) {
if(quantity <= 10){
this.quantity = quantity;

public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
        Item item =
new Item();

 * Output:
 * 5



One object acquires/inherits another object’s properties and behavior.

We can create a new class by extending the parent class then we can reuse methods and fields of the parent class.

Inheritance represents hierarchical classification. is Abstract class, which extends by HomeLoan class and PersonalLoan class

public abstract class Loan {
abstract void loanType();

public class HomeLoan extends Loan{
    void loanType() {
        System.out.println("Home loan");
public class PersonalLoan extends Loan{
    void loanType() {
        System.out.println("Personal Loan");
public class Application {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Loan loan = new HomeLoan();
 * Output:
 * Home loan



Polymorphism means many forms, it performs a single action in different ways.

Two different types:

1. Compile-time polymorphism

It is resolved at compile-time which is achieved through Method Overloading.

public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
        Employee employee =
new Employee();

 * Output:
 * get details by employee Id : 101
 * get details by employee Name : narendar

class Employee{
public void getEmployeeDetails(Integer employeeId){
out.println("get details by employee Id : "+employeeId);
public void getEmployeeDetails(String employeeName){
out.println("get details by employee Name : "+employeeName);
public void getEmployeeDetails(Integer employeeId, String employeeName){
out.println("get details by employee Id and Name : "+employeeId+" , "+employeeName);


2. Runtime polymorphism.

It is resolved at run-time which is achieved through Method Overriding.

public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
        DeveloperDept developerDept =
new DeveloperDept();

        HrDept hrDept =
new HrDept();

 * Output:
 * get developer details
 * get details by employee Id : 101
 * get HR details

class Employee{
public void getEmployeeDetails(Integer employeeId){
out.println("get details : "+employeeId);
public void getEmployeeDetails(){
out.println("get details");
class DeveloperDept extends Employee{
public void getEmployeeDetails(){
out.println("get developer details");
class HrDept extends Employee{
public void getEmployeeDetails(){
out.println("get HR details");
public void getEmployeeDetails(Integer employeeId){
out.println("get details by employee Id : "+employeeId);


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